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We answer your questions
My TV5MONDEplus account
How do I create an account?
How do I log in after creating my account?
I have forgotten my password. What should I do?
My password is wrong. Why?
Is the platform available in my country?
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TV5MONDEplus on my television
Can I watch TV5MONDEplus with Chromecast?
Is the TV5MONDEplus application available on Smart TV?
Can I find the application on my Internet box?
The activation code does not work. What should I do?
Are the platform's programmes available on Roku?
Download my programmes
How do I download my programmes?
Where are my downloaded programmes?
Why can some programmes be downloaded and others not?
How do I remove a programme from my downloads?
Can I leave the application while I have downloads in progress?
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How does it work?
How do I activate subtitles?
How do I change the language of the platform?
How to access the sections (cinema, series, youth, etc.)?
Where are my favourites?
Which browser should I use for optimal navigation?
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The TV5MONDEplus offer
Is TV5MONDEplus free?
Do I need to create an account to view the programmes?
Can I download programmes?
What are the differences between TV5MONDE and TV5MONDEplus?
Is the platform available in my country?
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My personal data
How can I change the personal information in my TV5MONDEplus account?
How do I get my personal data back?
How do I set my cookie preferences?
How do I subscribe to the TV5MONDEplus newsletter?
How do I delete my TV5MONDEplus account?
I have a problem
The message "Please verify your account to log in" is displayed. What should I do?
I haven’t received the account validation email. What should I do?
I did not receive the password reset link. What should I do?
My validation or password reset link has expired. What should I do?
The message "mail already in use" is displayed. What should I do?
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I can’t find the answer to my question
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