My personal data

How can I change the personal information in my TV5MONDEplus account?
"To modify your personal information, click on the ""Profile"" icon at the top right of your home page, then on ""modify&...
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 at 3:40 PM
How do I get my personal data back?
To retrieve your personal data, we invite you to submit a request by clicking on "Help" from the website or the TV5MONDEplus application.
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 at 4:15 PM
How do I set my cookie preferences?
You have the possibility to manage the cookies for which your prior and explicit consent is required by independently accepting or refusing the placing of e...
Wed, 16 Jun, 2021 at 4:15 PM
How do I subscribe to the TV5MONDEplus newsletter?
To subscribe to the TV5MONDEplus newsletter, go to the bottom right of your home page. You must then enter your email address then click on “Register” 
Tue, 4 Mar, 2025 at 3:15 PM
How do I delete my TV5MONDEplus account?
To delete your account, go to your personal space by clicking on the "Profile" icon then go to the "My personnal information" section.  ...
Tue, 4 Mar, 2025 at 3:22 PM